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Monday 6 March 2017

BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Plugin Free Download

BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Plugin Free Download

Backup Buddy – WordPress Backup Plugin Free Download: Free Backup Buddy WordPress Plugin gives you a chance to move a WordPress site to another host or area effectively. Backup Buddy WordPress relocation highlight is an exceptionally mainstream include for WordPress engineers who fabricate custom destinations for customers locally or on a transitory space and afterward move the whole site over to a live area. 

BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Plugin Free Download

Backup Buddy WordPress Plugin Features 

  • Bar Files and Database Tables 
  • Malware Scan 
  • Server Tools 
  • Serialized Data 
  • Database Mass Text Replacement 
  • WordPress Cron Manager 
  • Intelligent Site Directory Map 
  • Database Scan and Repair 
  • Set Storage Limits

Download Free BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Plugin 

Download WP BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup Plugin

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